Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Time to catch up... (9/24)

Time to catch up...

We have tried to keep up our blog, but almost impossible with the lack of wifi at some of the smaller albergues. Some of the larger ones may have wifi, but it is just in one small area. So anyway, they say a picture says a thousand words. So enjoy some of the pics we have taken along our camino on the way to Santiago! 

Just art along the path

Winery we passed. Great vino!

Lee and I enjoying vino with friends at albergue. At 2 euros a bottle, Lee picked up several bottles for sharing. 

Chickens were honored in this village. Always time to have fun!

Camino art. 

Pilgrims meal at monastery where we stayed one night. We actually slept on mats along with about 100 other pilgrims.    Some of the pilgrims actually helped cook the meal. We had a prayer service afterwards. Very spiritual. 

These were the wonderful men that were in charge of the monastery. 

Monastery chapel. Very modest, but so beautiful. 

You will be walking along in the middle of no where, then more art. 

Rock art is everywhere. So many creative pilgrims! 

Cute! This was advertisement for albergue. 

To be continued... Buen Camino!

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